Creating first impressions are what most successful people strive for! Research has indicated that people form impressions of others within just 7 seconds of meeting them. The Power of these 7 seconds is the opportune moments an individual has to impact upon people around him or her. It is stated that while 55 percent of the impressions are formed on how an individual looks, 35 percent is derived from how the individual sounds. Human beings are justifiably social beings and base most of their interactions with people who are undeniably well groomed. Creating an appropriate first impression is imperative to winning trust and respect from people around before one even begins to formally communicate.

At Finessse, the session on Create Positive Impressions, endeavours to help you carve out an identity that promises to win you confidence and admiration at the work place and even at social gatherings. From sessions on appearance management, to active listening, managing eye contact, attention to body language, initiating conversations of mutual interest, and a host of other skills, we at Finessse enable candidates create a feeling of admiration wherever they go.

“A good first impression can work wonders” – J.K Rowling