Selling is an integral part of everyday existence. From the selling of concepts and ideas to the selling of goods and services, selling is the foremost of transactions between sellers and buyers. Selling can never be a single act, but is a process that requires careful planning and meticulous execution. A sale is only deemed to be complete when the monetary realisation or exchange value is realised by the seller. To enable a sale transaction to be effective, it is imperative that the finer nuances of selling is well-understood by the seller and parties concerned with the business of redeeming a product or service for an exchange value.

At Finessse our sessions on Selling Skills is rather in-depth and covers the entire process from prospecting to payment. Our skills program also goes far beyond imparting just the techniques of selling, to mentoring candidates in building long-term customer relations and ensuring post sales referrals. We also help sales professionals develop personality traits that would serve them in good stead in their sales efforts. Each session is designed to ensure that candidates experience added success in their sales endeavours and serve on their company’s sales turn-over and profitability.

“We all need sales people who deliver value, that wasn’t there before they arrived” – Chris Murray